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Something REALLY STINKS! WWTA is planning to locate new SEWAGE treatment plant in the heart of Ooltewah, killing property values, impacting the ecology and just stinking up the community. Article:

The plant should be located at the old Birchwood dump site or up by Highway 60 on the River where water is moving.

Call to Action:

Call the following people and tell them NO and MOVE the site. This WILL BE a future ELECTION ISSUE. Hamilton County can re-purpose the 2.5MM purchase into a NEW PARK in the North End of the county which citizens need as we grow, like Heritage Park in East Brainerd.

WWTA Call to Action: Email to:

Phone: Mark Harrison – Executive Chair UTC Professor 423-425-4020 (Direct) 423-209-7842 (WWTA)

Mike Moon – Chairmen of the Board WWTA Moon Building & Development – Residential Construction Builder (Seems like a conflict of interest being on the board that installs sewers to increase developer construction?) 423-425-4020

Hamilton County Commissioners: Jim Coppenger – (423) 209-6101 (Phone)

Chester Bankston: Phone: (423) 667-7280

Tim Boyd: Phone: (423) 209-7200

Planning Commission Members (Coming Soon)!!!

Environmental Impact (ENDANGERED): 

The proposed location is a BIG ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT on a cove of Savannah and Wolftever Creek surrounded by neighborhoods. This water is static and any runoff will increase nitrogen in the water causing fish kill and other ecological disasters. This water level is not year round but seasonal. Any contaminates would concentrate in the bay and not disperse compared to the river.  We have a number of endangered mussels, turtles, sturgeon nest, etc more.

There is not much to say about how BAD it smells, take a Sunday drive to WWTA Moccasin Bend Treatment Facility. The pumping stations throughout the county reek with odor. We are coining a new phrase “Smell Something / Say Something”, usually when the creeks overflow and the raw sewage flows into the water ways at Hampton Creek, Cracker Barrel and probably others. If you smell it, tell it – contact the groups below to report on WWTA’s mismanagement of pumping stations.

Health Impacts:

The health of residents is UPMOST importance in the areas surrounding facility including swimmers and boaters that use the lake for recreational enjoyment just next to the proposed location. The concentration of contaminates in static water could lead to blooms of flesh eating bacteria, e coli, and other pathogens.

Financial Impacts:

Next Steps: 

We will be ramping up the campaign, if there is NO COURSE REVERSAL by WWTA, pulling in all Board Members, including outside groups and looking into further legislative actions, including their bond for building this facility. This WILL BE a costly endeavor.

We are investigating a LEGAL FUND with Go-FundMe and speaking with a number of Environmental and Federal Lawyers on the matter.


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