Welcome to the Friends of Hamilton web site.
This site is a springboard for community / government activities in North Hamilton County. We focus on local/state issues that impact our community from a local perspective with great reach throughout the North end of the county.
FOH original intent was to incorporate a new city of Hamilton in the north end of Hamilton County to deliver local representation to the citizens of the area due to the sprawling FORCED annexation by the City of Chattanooga and Collegedale.
FOH working with Right2VoteTN.org and 40 other groups across the state were able to strengthen the citizens right to vote on annexation. TN went from the last on annexation laws in the country to the first.
There is still more work to be done with DE-ANNEXATION by overzealous Collegedale and City of Chattanooga along transparency of Municipal Insurance Groups under Sunshine Laws. These groups are the lobbying arm of Cities throughout TN working to take private property rights from rural tax payers.
FOH retains the signed petitions to incorporate a new city and its large social network for future city encroachments and citizens rights.
Remember to “Like Us” on Facebook to follow all our news and media information and see what residents are saying.
FOH Town Hall Videos
Birchwood Town Hall – March 13 2012
FOH Video Interviews
2012 Interview with
State Rep Bobby Wood
2012 Interview with
Birchwood resident Joe McPherson
Click to Visit Our YouTube Channel